MAY 14, 2022
Tom Worthan Park
6601 Strickland Street
Douglasville, Georgia
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
The participants will go through a
to teach them real life scenario on finances.
Each participant is assigned a career, salary, and possibly a family.
The salaries our based off a 25 year old starting their career.
With the given salary they are required to visit each assigned area
to make purchases ie. car, house, child care, insurance, cell phone etc...
If they run out of money we will have the "help me" area,
where volunteers of this area will help them see their
financial choices and offer advise to complete the assignment.
Our goal at the end of this event is for each participant
to leave with an understanding of how finances are managed.
Having this program will help them see the importance of creating
healthy financial choices.